The Eyes and Craniosacral Therapy
- Posted by Sam
- On 12/06/2015
From a Craniosacral standpoint, I have observed that the eyes are one of the most ignored parts of the body. When people complain about flashing lights, blurred vision, eye strain, double vision, etc, the reason for these symptoms is due to a disconnect from their eye tissue. From an embryonic standpoint, we know that the eyes, brain, spinal cord, and skin are the first to develop in-utero, and these are places where many of our adaptative patterns originate.
The question is why are we so disconnected from our eyes when they give us 70-90% of our information, carry 80% of our body tension, make up 2% of our body weight and use 25% of our food intake.
One reason why our eyes are letting us down has to do with our interaction with electronics. Computers, Smart Phones, and Tablets can be very damaging to the eyes because when you introduce these screens to our eyes, you are going from a 3-D world to a 2-D world, which creates a type of visual confinement. In addition, by focusing for any length of time at one distance sets up a closed system of movement which will solidify all the fluids in the eye tissue. The eyes become a dead zone. The lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, and blood that pass through the eyes lock down due to this closed system of movement when using the electronics.
Craniosacral therapy helps people regain the fluid nature in their eyes. In fact, I have measured the eye prescription of patients, given them a craniosacral session, and re-measured their eye prescription and their initial prescription is completely gone. When the compressions are removed and the fluid returns to its resonate state, our eyes function in a normal, flexible way.
My approach is to introduce in short increments new inputs into the eyes using color, an eye patch, prisms, and homeopathic powered lenses to help people become more aware of the warps created in their perception. I have observed that people release so much tension in the body from this process and many of their self-limiting patterns dissolve away in the eyes, brain, body, and energy fields. Also, whenever we stimulate the eyes, we are stimulating many of the acupuncture meridians especially the liver meridian, which rule the eyes. When I facilitate this process in a group, we are creating a unified field of consciousness that amplifies our healing response. As I hold the space for an adaptogenic response, I have observed major healings not only in their eyes but people’s expansion in their consciousness. I have found creating a more open, holistic space for healing the eyes is very helpful for people.
Since the eyes reflect such a holographic experience, when we release these self-limiting perceptions, the eye tissues receive nourishment and our consciousness opens up. Not only do I observe it in people’s attitude and behavior, but I have also measured the improvement using the Electrophotonic Imaging Camera. Moral of the story: don’t forget about the eyes, the more realized we can become with these tissues, the more we are able to connect to our birthright.