I Sense: At Play in the Field of Healing
- Posted by Sam
- On 12/06/2015
A Deeper Dive With The Dolphins
“The dolphins and whales are our friends, inviting us to come into the ocean and swim with them. They use their sonar to see at great distances. As they send their sounds out, they receive the vibration back to themselves and this information flow lets them decide where to go and what to do.
The dolphins are very playful as they spin and twirl, all the while making sounds. They swim in a tetrahedron fashion below us and slowly rise to the surface, giving us eye contact, telling us we are magnificent as we are. Very young dolphins swim and play with their parents. Elder dolphins swim slowly up to us and establish a deep gaze into our eyes.
The dolphins embody fluid movement. As they move with us in spirals we become mesmerized by their dance. Their swimming creates a vortex of energy and as we enter that vortex, our history dissolves and we move out of our normal time-space awareness. On many swims I have lost track of time. A whole pod might begin to swim around us and we just swim together. Often pods swim very deeply below us, and I hear and feel their sonar all around me. They can vanish and reappear in an instant. If they are busy, we cannot keep up with them.
Dolphins are very calibrated with Mother Earth’s energies. If there is a lot of high energy around due to astrological energies or solar flares, they mirror it in their interactions with us. Other times they may swim very slowly, as though they are resting or sleeping, and we share a tranquil and meditative experience. The dolphins reflect many of the qualities we humans aspire to embody: unconditional love, harmony, sensuality, play, humor, compassion, wellness, beauty, and grace. They bring us a message of healing ourselves as well as our beautiful Mother Earth. Most of all, the dolphins’ message tells us to return to the sea and reconnect to our fluid body of wisdom. As we receive their sound and imitate their spiral movement, we begin to remember our primordial nature as we come into unity/community.
When they want to communicate with us, dolphins use the fluid ocean around them and the fluid inside of us to amplify their voices and sonar, creating a vortex of energy for us to enter. When we do, the lower vibrational memories in our cells and energy field dissipate, and transformation and healing open to us outside our “normal” time-space continuum. Not only do we take in the dolphins, but also they take us in! Our breathing opens up as we find our own life rhythm. Each time I swim with dolphins, I find myself letting go of our human sense of time. When we enter the dolphins’ timeless presence, we can begin to understand the love and unity that are our birthright. They offer us an altered state, free energy, and psychological osmosis. The mystic of the Golden Dolphin lives! The fifth eye-opener is that our bio-intelligence is a like an umbilical cord connecting us to the cosmos and feeding us. As we begin to connect more deeply to our own fluid vibration, we are also influencing the energy of all human beings on the planet.”