3-7-16: Structured Water – The Healing Benefits
- Posted by Sam
- On 03/07/2016
Our body is a result of billions of years of an ongoing universal process that is in constant change. We are in a spiraling birth, death, re-birth experience (on each inhale and exhale). Resolving and dissolving all the time. Our fluid roots are oceanic, and are an intrinsic part of our organs, glands, nerve fibers, connective tissue, and fascia—all fluid consolidated in time. Emilie Conrad the founder of Continuum movement says: “ We are moving water brought to land.” When our movement is spiral, wave, or pulsation, we become a vortex of energy that offers us a vibratory field of health. Fluid will coalesce and when it does due to our repetitive movement, thinking, etc the fluid dries up and our tissue becomes very brittle. This accelerates aging. The cell cannot not hydrate or oxygenation when our fluid dries out.
Fluidity informs us to be more flowing in our lives.
Victor Schauberger is one of the most profound thinkers of the 20th century. He is known as the “water wizard” Many of his insights come observing nature in the Austrian forest. His credo was: comprehend and emulate nature. Water loves to move, but it loses its force when it has to travel in a straight line. Movement helps ionize the water which is energizing. Nature moves water in a spiral which is a way for water to gather its energy and bring life to nature. Watch water flow down a river or a stream. When water is forced to go in a straight line, it gives up its energy, it becomes “dead” Even though water takes a meandering longer path when it is spiraling, it is gaining more force, momentum and energy. It is interesting when water is pushed through pipes, it will encounter more of its resistance. However, when water runs through a spiral shape, the vortex of energy that is created helps the water to connect to its inherent crystalline structure Dr. Gerald Pollack who is a professor at the University of Washington has proven that water in fact is made up of a Crystalline Structure which includes molecular stability, negative electrical charge, and enhanced ability to absorb certain spectra of light. Healthy water in our bodies also have this crystalline structure and amplifies our biological link throughout the entire body. This aspect of water helps support a healthy DNA in our epigenetic body.
Without getting to technical, this liquid crystalline water is called structured water which is a coherent, highly organized living substance which enhances our life force.
This type of water helps us balance our own yin yang because this structured water carries its own integrated yin-yang balance inherent in its molecules.
The movement of spiraling the water creates a vortex of energy which gives the water an inherent power of gathering the energy and ionizing the minerals. The water is now doing its dance and when you drink it, your cells are able to absorb this water. So, the question is how to program your water to get the most out of your water. Imprint it so you can absorb it better. The key is first to structure the water.
Run the water through structured water filter. This water is imprinted with a spiral energy imprint. Then, amplify the energy by placing quartz crystals around the water container. Six crystals is preferred because it simulates the hexagonal pattern of water. I also add medicinal essential oils to the water. Black Cumin—a few drops, Cinnamon Bark which also energizes the water.
When we drink structured water, the cell opens up, has more energy, relaxes its fight or flight response, metabolic waste is removed at a faster rate, the immune system increases its function, lymph function in the cell increases.
Structured Water Structured Water is created by the natural action of water in nature.
The natural action of water tumbling over rocks, down waterfalls, flowing through twists and turns as it actively descends a mountain actually structures water. Water molecules are free to move and “dance with nature” in an energetically alive, fresh and vibrant manner. Through this process, the molecular structure of water is changed to reflect less surface tension, neutralized toxins, cleared memory and balance on a particle level.
Water as a primary element is connected to everything. There isn’t anything on Earth that doesn’t use water as a part of its process in creating life. Therefore, as water is the connector to all living things it’s important to return water to its original form by allowing it to restructure. Through Nature’s design Structured Water entrains –or creates a flow- as it connects with life. The result of Structured Water is water with more energy while offering increased hydration for people, animals, plants and things.
Suboptimal hydration slows the activity of enzymes, including those responsible for producing energy, leading to feelings of fatigue. Even a slight reduction in hydration can lower metabolism and reduce your ability to exercise efficiently.
Our bodies produce an average of 7 liters of digestive juices daily. When we don’t drink enough liquid, our secretions are more limited and the digestive process is inhibited. (Note that drinking too much water all at once, particularly with food, can also dilute digestive juices, reducing their efficacy and leading to indigestion.)
As partially digested food passes through the colon, the colon absorbs excess liquid and transfers it to the bloodstream so that a stool of normal consistency is formed. When the body is low on water, it extracts too much liquid from the stool, which then becomes hard, dry and difficult to eliminate. Slowed elimination contributes to bodywide toxicity and inflammation.
Blood Pressure:
When we are chronically dehydrated, our blood becomes thicker and more viscous. Additionally, in response to reduced overall blood volume, the blood vessels contract. To compensate for the increased vein-wall tension and increased blood viscosity, the body must work harder to push blood through the veins, resulting in elevated blood pressure.
Stomach Health:
Under normal circumstances, the stomach secretes a layer of mucus (which is composed of 98 percent water) to prevent its mucus membranes from being destroyed by the highly acidic digestive fluid it produces. Chronic dehydration, though, impedes mucus production and may irritate and produce ulcers in the stomach lining.
The moist mucus membranes in the respiratory region are protective; however, in a state of chronic dehydration, they dry out and become vulnerable to attack from substances that might exist in inhaled air, such as dust and pollen.
Dehydration causes enzymatic slowdown, interrupting important biochemical transformations, with acidifying results at the cellular level. The acidification of the body’s internal cellular environment can be further worsened when excretory organs responsible for eliminating acids (e.g., the skin and kidneys) don’t have enough liquid to do their jobs properly. An overly acidic biochemical environment can give rise to a host of inflammatory health conditions.
Weight Management:
Feelings of thirst can be confused with hunger, both because eating can soothe thirst and also because dehydration-induced fatigue is often misinterpreted as a lack of fuel (e.g., sugar). Both dynamics can lead to false sensations of hunger, triggering overeating and weight gain. Inadequate hydration can also promote the storage of inflammatory toxins, which can also promote weight gain.
Skin Health:
Dehydrated skin loses elasticity and has a dry, flaky appearance and texture. But dehydration can also lead to skin irritation and rashes, including conditions like eczema. We need to sweat about 24 ounces a day to properly dilute and transport the toxins being eliminated through our skin. When we are chronically dehydrated, the sweat becomes more concentrated and toxins aren’t removed from our systems as readily, which can lead to skin irritation and inflammation.
Cholesterol is an essential element in cell membrane construction. When we are in a state of chronic dehydration and too much liquid is removed from within the cell walls, the body tries to stop the loss by producing more cholesterol to shore up the cell membrane. Although the cholesterol protects the cell membrane from being so permeable, the overproduction introduces too much cholesterol into the bloodstream.
Kidney and Urinary Health:
When we don’t drink enough liquid, our kidneys struggle to flush water-soluble toxins from our system. When we don’t adequately dilute the toxins in our urine, the toxins irritate the urinary mucus membranes and create a germ- and infection-friendly environment.
Joint Health:
Dehydrated cartilage and ligaments are more brittle and prone to damage. Joints can also become painfully inflamed when irritants, usually toxins produced by the body and concentrated in our blood and cellular fluids, attack them, setting the stage for arthritis.
The normal aging process involves a gradual loss of cell volume and an imbalance of the extracellular and intracellular fluids. This loss of cellular water can be accelerated when we don’t ingest enough liquids, or when our cell membranes aren’t capable of maintaining a proper fluid balance.
Discuss study with the GDV camera, structured water, and the Biofield changes, immediately
Also, water on the GDV creates more light energy, light discharge, droplets larger energy.
Water in our body, water of the galaxy, water in the protozoa, it is a fractal. The more we connect to the fractals, the more coherence, the more we connect
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