Holistic Methods to Help Dry Eyes
- Posted by Sam
- On 12/06/2015
More people are suffering dry eye syndrome, today. Some common symptoms include pain, sandy or grittiness, burning, light sensitivity, and excessive watery eyes. I have seen patients who have had such chronic red eyes along with swollen lids for many years without any relief!
Some causes of the dry eye syndrome include: endocrine imbalances, autoimmune disease, poor dietary absorption, post-surgical side effects due to cataract or lasik surgery, poor functional control on how we use our eyes together— which can be exacerbated by doing repetitive movements like spending hours everyday on the computer, wearing a prescription that is unbalanced or too strong, and dehydration both locally in the eyes and systemically in the body, even though we may drink a lot of water.
Some recommendations include:
- Oxygen-Rich, Homeopathic Eye Drops (order through Dr. Berne)
- Cutting-Edge Dry Eye Ointment (order through Dr. Berne)
- Increasing the use of Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Vitamins B6, C, and Trace Minerals Potassium and Zinc
- Applying 1 drop of Medicinal Essential Oils like Clary Sage, Saffron, and Frankincense two inches above and below the eyes (2 x/ day) to improve overall cellular oxygenation in and around the eye tissues I also recommend spraying Helichrysum Hydrosol into the eyes 3 times/ day. (order through Dr. Berne)
- Drinking Structured Water to improve overall cellular health. Two reliable sources are: www.veritycorp.com or www.aquanew.com. I also recommend the book Dancing With Water by M.J. Pangman
Performing a biomedical lab test can be instrumental to identify what systemic imbalances are causing the eye problem.