Improving Physical Vision
- Posted by Sam
- On 12/06/2015
Many people have been asking me about my unique approach to improving physical vision. I would say that the key is that the clearer we can see inside ourselves using inner vision, the clearer our physical vision will become. The conventional model says let’s fix the defective eyeball by prescribing a lens to correct the blur. This approach only freezes the visual pattern. I believe what we need to do is explore the programming behind the eyes and become aware of the patterning in the brain, body, and energy fields that caused the “defective eyeball” in the first place.
The new medicine of vision involves using a homeopathic lens to help balance clarity with blur. Applying the mind-body process called Vision Therapy helps us become aware of old attitudes, belief systems, and limited perceptions that created the eyeball problem. Any eye prescription is really a history on how we have reacted and responded to life situations through our vision. If we know the story, then we can begin to dissolve the deeper patterns that have caused our vision to let us down.
Many of our responses to life reside in our pre-verbal state, which is why I invite people to explore primitive reflex integration movements that help release reptilian brain patterns. When our reptilian brain is dominant, we may respond to life in a hyper-vigilant state, and we may apply this state to our eyes. Some common adaptations that may be a response to this vigilant state include myopia (turning inward away from life), hyperopia (pushing life away to avoid the present), and Astigmatism (twisting our body and perceptions because of our confusion).
Even if we don’t have overt eye adaptations, vision therapy can help us become aware of the perceptual filters we project onto the world. When we become aware of our projections, we can then be in choice about dissolving these filters so we can see with fresh eyes, moment by moment.
Another way to understand our vision is by looking at our energy. When I measure people’s energy fields and chakras, we can discover together how these energetic patterns impact our visual system. Many of these patterns uncover subconscious or unconscious beliefs, attitudes, and health situations that can be improved. Simply seeing these energetic patterns may validate our life experience, creating a healing by itself.
Recently, while teaching at The Esalen Institute, I made the following proposal: Instead of looking at life, allow life to look at us, and notice the difference in how our eyes, mind, and body feel. Try it yourself!