Developmental Learning Programs
Developmental Learning Programs is a system that helps children with a variety of developmental/ learning/behavior/ attention problems. This system will offer parents holistic alternatives to help their children with any type of developmental delay.
Holistic Health offers choices that treat causative factors of childhood problems – rather than only treating symptoms.
Nutrition & Diet balances biochemistry and gives energy and vitality so that child can integrate therapies and make changes.
Vision Therapy helps the eye-brain-body system become more balanced with a systemic impact with the rest of the body.
Light Therapy helps open constricted visual fields, improve depth perception, and balance the autonomic nervous system.
Movement Therapy helps improve balance-orientation, reciprocal interweaving of right and left, upper body and lower body control and other visually guided movement patterns.
Craniosacral Therapy helps remove impediments to the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, allowing fuller support of the natural processes of healing.