Scalar Waves for Healing
- Posted by Sam
- On 12/06/2015
One of my mentors, Dr. Hazel Parcells, a naturopath and chiropractor who lived to 106, taught us how to use vibrational healing to re-balance our health. By re-establishing the optimum vibrations on a molecular and cellular level, I observed her helping many people reconnect to their inherent frequencies, which in turn, improved their physical metabolic processes to a healthy level. At the time, she talked about our interdependence to a universal consciousness and that these connections were important for wellness. .
I realized she was accessing something called Scalar Wave Therapy—connection to an information flow that comes from Divine Energy. The body is also constantly generating these universal scalar waves. Scalar waves are generated in and around the body when two electromagnetic waves of the same frequency are exactly out of phase (opposite to each other) and they cancel each other. The result is a transformation of energy back into a scalar wave that creates a vacuum state of potentiality. I have measured both objectively and subjectively how people’s anatomy and physiology reverse certain time-space patterns, and a parallel universe is created where the health imbalance does not exist anymore. Some examples on how we can access Scalar Waves is by turning down our left-brain through prayer, meditation, and conscious intention. In the coming months, I will start introducing this component in my workshops, i.e. Visual Alchemy, Aromatherapy, Continuum Movement, and Dolphin Swims. I invite you to come play in the field!
Remember: As we can connect to our own biology for wellness, our eyes have the ability to heal!